Managed Email Services
Click IT offers the best-in-class, reasonably-priced, value-added email services to better protect and manage our customers’ data, domains and emails. Our managed email solutions which gives you peace-of-mind. Click IT Email Services are different and better because they are managed and maintained for you. All our email hosting and delivery services offer: 1) Easy Migrations, 2) Works with Outlook & Mobile, 3) Premium Spam & Virus, 4) Email Authentication Set-up & Monitoring Available, 5) Huge 25GB Mailboxes, 5) Unlimited Email Aliases, 6) Secure Webmail. Additionally, plans include the following outlined below.

We all rely on email to communicate today. But email is also the major conduit for everything nasty, that can happen to your data and network. (See for more about this.) We realize you have many Email services from many competitors to choose from. So why Click IT? The key difference is that from us, you'll get 'management'. Additionally and uniquely, as "Your Local I.T. Department", Click IT Email also provides a level of security unsurpassed. We have gained many customers merely because another email service has failed to deliver a secure and reliable email service. Take Gmail for instance. Even though it's free, it spies on you and if this is not okay, then you need Click IT! We provide trustworthiness with security and reliability. At Click IT, we make sure your email is working, your data is secure and you have the service working on all their devices, which can get very complicated. Make sure you learn about our Email Authentication Service and Email Assurance, which are additionals that make your email not only more secure but also so that it works better too.